
I can’t log in as a student

Students need to create their own accounts, they aren’t created automatically. If you’re a student and you’ve never logged in to complete a course before, you’ll need to follow the steps here.

My password is incorrect

If you’ve logged in before but your password is incorrect, reset your password here. If you’re not receiving the password reset email please check your email account’s junk/spam folder. If you’re still having difficulty you can write in to us directly and we can assist further.

My email address is incorrect

If you’ve logged in before and your email address isn’t recognised, don’t create a new account as you won’t be able to access previous progress/courses. Try to remember the email address you used originally (perhaps you logged in with a personal email address instead of a school one or vice versa) and log in with that one. 

If you can’t remember the email address you used, you or your teacher can write in to us directly with your first and last name and the course you are trying to access, and we can try to recover your account.If you do end up creating a second/duplicate account - don’t worry - but it’s important to let teachers know so that they can contact us to increase the coupon allocation for the school.

Multiple accounts for the same student will reduce the number of subsequent students who can use the school’s coupon code. Teachers can contact us via email to amend coupon allocation.

My coupon code doesn’t work

Check that the code you entered matches your school’s unique coupon code. Codes aren’t case-sensitive.

If the code is correct, you may have selected a course that is not covered by your school’s coupon code. This can happen if your school purchased an individual course or bundle of courses, and you’ve selected a course that isn’t included. To check what’s included for your school ask your teacher. Teachers can write in to us directly via email for help.

If the code is correct and you’re selecting a course that should be included, your school may have exceeded the maximum amount of coupon uses. This can happen if all students have taken their courses as intended. If it seems like not all the students have done so, it is likely that some students have created duplicate accounts instead of using their original account log in and out. Creating multiple accounts for the same course uses multiple coupons, instead of one per student. Teachers can write in to us directly via email for help with additional coupon requirements.

I am being asked to pay for a course

Once you select a course and have followed the steps here, you may see that you need to pay for your course. To bypass payment, hit Have a coupon? And enter your school’s unique coupon code, then hit Apply, and you’ll see the balance due change to €0.00, then hit Complete purchase. You’ll need to do this for each new course you take.

I can’t download my completion certificate

After you’ve passed your final assessment (80% or more) you can access your completion certificate by hitting Get Your Certificate. Once you reach your certificate hit Download pdf at the bottom of the page. 

If you’ve navigated away from the page before downloading your certificate, head to, select the course and hit Replay Course. At the top of the page hit Get Your Certificate, then hit Download pdf at the bottom of the page that loads. 

If it’s been more than 45 days since you completed or started the course, your progress will expire and you’ll no longer be able to access your completion certificate. This is why we recommend you download your certificate as soon as you finish the course. 

The download button for my certificate is unresponsive

If the download button doesn’t work there is a browser issue such as a firewall or extension preventing downloads, or a network issue such as slow loading and you will need to speak to your school’s IT department for assistance. In the meantime, you can hit Copy Link and save the link to access the certificate from another device or try accessing it from a private/incognito window, and download it from there.

It’s been more than 45 days since I started a course and I want to continue with it

Students must complete courses within 45 days of starting. If you try to access a course after that time, your progress will be lost and there won’t be a way to pick up your course where you left off. 

You can restart the course as a new course by following the steps for Returning Students (copy link to highlight step 4) on the Student Login page. This will use an additional coupon from your school’s allocation, so you’ll need to discuss this with your teacher first. Teachers can write in to us directly via email for help with additional coupon requirements.


I can’t log in as a teacher

Teachers don’t have admin or school accounts, they need to direct students to log in or create individual accounts from the Student Login page, and provide students with the school coupon code.

The school coupon code will have been provided to teachers via email from If you are a teacher who cannot find your school coupon code write in to us via email for help.

If you’d like to log in as if you were a student to have a look around, let us know and we can increase your school’s coupon allocation free of charge.

I can’t find my teacher setup email

As a teacher you will receive a setup email after registering your class with our team at TY Online Courses. It contains setup instructions, your unique coupon code which students need to access courses, and your invoice. Check your email inbox for an email from, including spam/junk folders, and if you’re unable to find it write in to us directly at that email address with your school name and own name and we’ll resend it as soon as possible.

Student certificates aren’t available and I need to access them

It’s not possible for us at TY Online Courses, or for teachers, to bulk download all students’ certificates. Certificates are held on individual students’ accounts and must be accessed by the student themselves.

If students can’t access their certificates, it is likely that they are accessing the course more than 45 days after they started. This means their progress will expire and they won’t be able to access their certificates. If this has happened teachers can write in to us to request a certificate template with blank name and date placeholders which you can distribute to your students. It is not possible to reproduce individual students’ certificates.

If there is an issue with a specific student only, and they are trying to access their certificate within 45 days of starting the course they may be logging into the wrong account. We can try to recover the account if you let us know their first and last name and the course certificate they are trying to access.

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