How It Started: Sports

"How It Started: Sports" is part of our How It Started series. Explore the fascinating history of sports in this 1 hour course, from ancient gladiators, medieval jousts to modern professional leagues and e-sports. Learn how sports have evolved through the ages, reflecting cultural, technological, and societal changes.

Course Description

In "How It Started: Sports," you'll journey through the rich history of sports, exploring their origins in ancient civilisations and their evolution through the medieval and Renaissance periods. Discover how the Industrial Revolution sparked the rise of organised sports and led to the creation of professional leagues and global competitions. See how modern technology and media have transformed sports into a worldwide phenomenon. This course provides a concise overview of how sports have shaped and been shaped by culture, society, and technological advancements.

Module 1: Ancient Sports - Chariots and Gladiators 

  • Wrestling, boxing, and chariot racing in Egypt, Greece and Rome.
  • The role of sports in ancient societies as a display of skill, status, and entertainment.

Module 2: The Olympic Games and Gladiatorial Contests 

  • The origins of the ancient Olympic Games in Greece.
  • The cultural impact of gladiatorial contests in Rome.

Module 3: Medieval and Renaissance Sports 

  • The role of sports such as jousting in training knights and showcasing chivalry.
  • Folk games like early versions of football played by commoners.

Module 4: The Renaissance and Early Modern Sports 

  • The revival of classical sports and the emergence of organised games like tennis and bowling.
  • The early codification of rules and the influence of Renaissance humanism on physical activity.

Module 5: Industrial Revolution Sports - Factories and Football

  • The rise of organised sports like soccer and cricket

Module 6: The Birth of Modern Sports Competitions 

  • The establishment of early international competitions and the revival of the Olympic Games.
  • The role of transportation and media in popularising sports.

Module 7: Modern Sports - Stadiums and Screens 

  • The evolution of sports into a professional career, with increased commercialisation and media coverage.
  • The inclusion of women and the push for gender equality in sports.
1 Hour
7 Modules
Video, Text
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