The Science of Happiness

"The Science of Happiness" explores what really makes us happy, using psychology and science to discover what makes us feel truly content.

Course Description

In this 1 hour online course, you'll explore the latest findings from psychology and neuroscience to uncover the factors that influence our well-being, from our mindset and daily habits to our relationships and sense of purpose.

Module 1: What is Happiness?

  • Defining Happiness
  • The Science Behind Happiness

Module 2: Key Factors That Influence Happiness

  • Biological Influences
  • Psychological Factors
  • Social and Environmental Factors
  • The Role of Purpose

Module 3: Practical Tips for Boosting Happiness 

  • Daily Habits
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Building Positive Relationships
  • Balancing Life
1 Hour
3 Modules
Video, Text
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