What is AI?

Gain a foundational understanding of Artificial Intelligence, its capabilities, and its impact on the world around us.

Course Description

They say AI is taking over the world, is that really true? If you’re curious about what the future holds for this rapidly evolving field you’re in the right place! 

This course will provide an introduction to Artificial Intelligence, covering fundamental concepts, key technologies, real-world applications - and what the future looks like for AI. 

Whether you’ve been following the development of AI in the news, or you’re a total beginner to the concept, this course will offer valuable insights and practical knowledge to help you understand and appreciate the profound impact of AI.

Module 1: Introduction to AI

  • What is AI?
  • Key Components of AI
  • AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Module 2: The History and Evolution of AI 

  • Early Beginnings
  • Milestones in AI Development
  • AI Winters
  • The Turing Test

Module 3: How AI Works 

  • Basic Concepts and Terminologies
  • Who runs AI?

Module 4 - Narrow AI

  • What is Narrow AI
  • Benefits and risks of Narrow AI
  • Expert opinion on Narrow AI
  • Why Narrow AI (probably) won’t take over the world

Module 5 - General AI

  • What is General AI?
  • Benefits of General AI
  • How could General AI surpass human intelligence?
  • Risks of General AI
  • Expert opinion on General AI

Module 6 - The Future of AI

  • Future predictions
  • Industry specific predictions and challenges
  • Expert insight
  • Making AI ethical

1.5 hours
6 Modules
Video, Text
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