How It Started: Ireland

"How It Started: Ireland" is part of our How It Started series. Explore Ireland's history in this 1 hour crash course, tracing its evolution from ancient origins to the present day. Discover how key events and influences have shaped Ireland’s culture, identity, and society over the centuries.

Course Description

In this 1.5 hour crash course you'll journey through the rich history of Ireland, from its ancient beginnings to recent times. Discover the early settlers and Celtic influences, the arrival of Christianity and its impact on Irish culture, the lasting legacies of Viking and Norman invasions, and struggle under English rule until the 19th Century.

Ancient Ireland

  1. Land Of Ice
  2. Early Settlers
  3. What Did They Do Here?
  4. What Did They Leave Behind?
  5. Beliefs, Values and Paganism
  6. Recap Quiz

Animals of Ancient Ireland

  1. Irish Elk
  2. Wolves
  3. Aurochs
  4. Irish Bears
  5. Wild Boar
  6. Recap Quiz

The Celts

  1. Who Were The Celts?
  2. Celtic Society
  3. Celtic Mythology
  4. The Celtic Calendar and Festivals
  5. Recap Quiz


  1. Ireland and Britain
  2. Arrival of Christianity
  3. St. Patrick’s Mission
  4. Spread of Christianity
  5. Monastic Culture
  6. Goodbye Paganism
  7. Recap Quiz


  1. Who Were The Vikings?
  2. Viking Invasions
  3. Viking Control
  4. Integration
  5. Viking Influence
  6. Where Did The Vikings Go?
  7. Recap Quiz

The Normans

  1. Who Were the Normans?
  2. Norman Invasion of Ireland
  3. Norman Control in Ireland
  4. Normans and The English Crown
  5. Weapons and Tactics
  6. What Happened To The Normans?

English Rule

  1. Norman Foothold, The Pope, and English Rule
  2. Henry II
  3. The Old English and the Gaelic Resurgence
  4. The Tudor Conquest and the Plantations
  5. Cromwellian Conquest
  6. Penal Laws
  7. The 1798 Rebellion
  8. The Acts of Union
  9. Catholic Emancipation
  10. The Great Famine
  11. Recap Quiz
  12. What Came Next?

Final Assessment

1.5 Hours
7 Modules
Video, Text
Free Preview

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