The Power of Sleep

A concise, 1 hour course that explores the biology of sleep, the factors affecting sleep quality, and practical tips for achieving better rest.

Course Description

This course will unravel the mysteries behind why we sleep, how our bodies regulate sleep cycles, and what factors can enhance or disrupt our nightly rest. You'll learn about the science that governs your sleep patterns, explore common sleep challenges, and gain practical tips to improve your sleep quality. Whether you're looking to optimize your rest or simply curious about what happens when you close your eyes, this course is designed to give you the knowledge you need to sleep smarter.

Module 1: The Basics of Sleep 

  • What is Sleep?
  • Stages of Sleep and the Sleep Cycle

Module 2: The Science Behind Sleep 

  • Circadian Rhythms
  • Sleep Hormones
  • Sleep Architecture

Module 3: Factors Affecting Sleep Quality 

  • Common Sleep Disruptors
  • Sleep Disorders

Module 4: Tips for Better Sleep 

  • Practical Tips for Improving Sleep
45 minutes
4 Modules
Video, Text
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